
Your search for gamblerswebmaster returned 13 results.

Saturday 7 October – Ladies 2s

Starting the week with 8 players, an epic recruitment drive lead to us gaining a goalie and 2 brand spanking new players. Fresh into the club hockey arena, they held their own and were brilliant additions to the team. So the start of the game was a bit hectic as we settled into our rhythm. The first few decisions from the umpires didn't go our way but as the game ...

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Saturday 30 September – Ladies 2s

The sun was shining over the CP fortress, tensions were high as the gamblers, the plucky newcomers into div 10 faced off against OK, who narrowly missed out on promotion last year, it was set to be a big game. The game started with a lot of pace, fast passing from the Gamblers. Brenda in left attack converted her rally of tackles on the wing to gain a position in ...

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Saturday 30 September – Mens 1s

Following last weeks demolition of Cheam, the Gamblers hosted Kenley for the first home game of the year. A delightful morning greeted the team at Crystal Palace and with everyone hyped up after Gaz’s inspirational pep talk everyone was confident going into the game. Straight from the off Gamblers put their stamp on the game with some fluid movement and contro...

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Saturday 23 September – Ladies 2s

Start of season. First league game in div 10 for the Ladies 2! Adrenaline fuelled, we (minus Ailie, stuck in Dubai) arrived at a building site to play our match. Scorer felt sick, I was sweating profusely and Abby was late. First half. For the first 5 minutes the nerves were showing. Our defence (of mostly forwards) were put under a bit of pressure which they ...

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Saturday 23 September – Mens 1s

With the unusual decision of the Southern League to introduce a 13th team it was unlucky for Cheam as the Gamblers cut short their summer breaks of raving in Ibiza, attending cancelled weddings in the USA, sharking around Croatia or visiting Garden centres to begin the season two weeks earlier than usual. With league rules stating no travel should take place ...

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Saturday 1 October – Mens 1s

Saturday 1st October. First day of the new hockey season and Gamblers Men’s 1XI looking to kick off the campaign with a win following their newly promoted status into Surrey Division 1. The day saw returning heroes for the season Al ‘Bozza’ Borwick and Gary Jones from London both already having made an impact in training and a dayboo handed to new summer ...

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Sunday 20 March – Mixed FINALS

The mixed hockey season came to a close on Sunday with the top two teams in the league battling it out for the league title. The Gamblers needed to win to secure our deserved status as champions at the first attempt. However, coming into the game, all looked lost as almost the whole team could hardly stand up or speak following an evening of bottomless brunches, ...

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Saturday 19 March – Mens 1s

The Gamblers rightly went into Saturday’s clash with the Old Kingstonians in a confident mood. The encounter was almost exactly the opposite of what could be called a meeting of equals with the Old Kingstonians living up to their name in at least one respect. Sadly, the Gamblers were without Chris in the backline. Fortunately, Chris’ brother stepped in, an ...

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Saturday 12 March – Mens 1s

There was once a fine day in early spring in South-West London when the mighty Gamblers 1st XI faced the formidable Spencer 4th(?) XI. That day was Saturday 12th March 2016 at 10.30am GMT. That's 11.30am French time or 7.37am for all other countries. The game started at a good pace, with the Gamblers playing some slick, fast-moving hockey. However, the Spencer ...

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Saturday 5 March – Mens 1s

Big weekend for the gamblers starting off with a visit to our sister club Rosslyn Park for the club captain to get some inspiration for tackling style. The day started well with breakfast a Bobby's and some egg related activities. Down at the the sandpit early to watch the turds and play a fun game of egg toss which Bankie ruined by dropping the egg. Unfortuna...

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